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ARC Review: A Worthy Love by A.E. Valdez

Updated: Dec 10, 2022

The words needed to describe A Worthy Love are all over the place for me. And that's not necessarily a bad thing. Like, I knew I was going to love this book because I have thoroughly enjoyed ALL of the other books this author has released. Even with this book being a little more on the heavy side; not only with subject matter, but I want to say it is the longest as well.. There were several content/trigger warnings in this book and for good reason. There was even one that was hard for me to stomach, so to speak. However, that did not deter me from continuing on the journey along with Asher and Marisa. The uncomfortability (I know that's not a real word) was well worth it.

As to not spoil the book, I will say that the saying, "be careful who you lay up with" is very, VERY sound advice. Not only did primary characters have to learn this. So did secondary characters. I'm very under the belief that everything happens for a reason, but this book had me questioning, why put me through that and what lesson was I to learn that I couldn't learn another way less painfully? Yes, I'm acting like this actually happened to me because I was in every moment along with Ash and Risa Belle. The love, the pain, the comedy, the heartful moments, I carried them as well.

If I had to choose a favorite aspect of this novel, it would have to be the way Asher showed and proved to Marisa that she was deserving of the love and care that she gave to others. And the scene where he made her call out affirmations... I (WHEW!) I need that kind of in-house support. That man loved her from the moment he laid eyes on her and didn't even realize it was love. The funny thing is, the way they interacted with each other, even in the previous book, is similar to how I flirt. I'm a shit talker and I'm very physical. I will lay hands on somebody's son and dare him to boss up on me. And I LOVED how much these two knew how to go back and forth.

When I was giving a brief explanation of first impressions on A&M to a friend, I stated they reminded me of Quentin and Shelby from The Best Man movie series. Diving into this book gave me an even more indepth view than what those movies could have done. I'm a huge "Enemies to Lovers" trope fan. And it was hilarious to me that A.E. Valdez categorized them as fuckemies instead. With the way they went at it throughout the book, it tracks.

Another thing I absolutely loved about this book was that he fell first. In our everyday lives, we see so often where women fall fast but men fall hard. In this case, I wouldn't necessarily say anyone fell fast but he definitely fell faster and harder than Marisa did. However, when she FINALLY fall, it was a beautiful sight to see.

As I stated, my thoughts on this book were all over the place and I hope you were able to go along without too much confusion. I wholeheartedly recommend this book... along with all of the other books in A.E. Valdez's catalog. But I do caution you to check the trigger/content warnings in the Author's Note for this one specifically. I also want to thank the author for allowing me to receive an advanced copy of this book for my honest opinion.

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