You ever been through something and you use it as an excuse for everything? I have… That was the only way I was able to relate to Hope (FMC) throughout this book. She went through a toxic situation at a young age and it caused her to use it, in my opinion, as a crutch for her actions/behavior. It was like a battle of the mind vs. emotions with her throughout just about the whole book. It’s very entertaining to see someone deny themselves of something so right for them that is right in their face because of fear. The author did a good job of displaying this and it’s consequences. If it was one thing I knew but was reminded while reading this was that fear is a debilitating problem. It causes you to second guess things, self-blame, and lose out on precious time. Maverick (MMC) was just what Hope needed to remind her, you can run from your destiny all you want, but it’s not going anywhere. What is meant for you, you will receive. Sis tried so hard to steer clear of men that were like her male family members because she tried to deny it’s exactly what she wanted and needed. And guess what happened, she ran head first into him without even knowing it.
Both Hope & Maverick experienced tragic situations in their lives that could have kept them from opening up to anyone. The experiences were in completely different ways and at differing ages; one of familial at a childhood age, while the other in a relationship as a young adult. They also "coped” in opposite reactions as well. While I understood both characters reasoning and reactions, I was somewhat irritated with Hope’s continuous explanation for her behavior and getting upset with the results of her actions. If it did not work in the last 10+ years you’ve been doing it, sis, it’s time to try something new. It took her too long to get her ish together, but I appreciate the fact that Maverick didn’t allow her to take control and get her way like she thought she should. I was right there with him every time he got irritated by her pushing him away, keeping him a secret or putting what they had in a box. When Mav realized the weird feeling he had for her wasn’t going away, he chose to lean in when he had every right to drop it and keep it pushing. The only thing I didn’t enjoy about the book was reiterating of their tragedies and Hope’s relationship with her brother in the beginning. Once those things were established and their magnitude toward their behavior, the reminders weren’t necessary unless they were discussing it in dialogue to explain themselves to other characters.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Hope & Maverick’s journey to love… And it was definitely a journey. The book is a testament to knowing when to use and lose control in the confines of a relationship; that you can be strong and still be submissive. It also shows that the only thing fear does is help you deny yourself of enjoying what you deserve. I want to thank K. Lashaun for giving me the opportunity to review this book for an honest review. I was already a fan of her books. This one clearly added another book bae to my roster.