Once again, I'm late on my Wrap-Up, but I'd already told y'all life has been on a fast track, right? Either way... I read 14 books for the month, which included 2 ARCs, 4 NTM authors (one was the 1st ARC), a memoir from one of the NTM authors, 1 audiobook for CCJ's BOTM chat, and 2 books for the podcast (Skin by Skye Moon is one). With February being the month of love, I would have expected to have read more Valentine's Day books. But alas, it just wasn't in the cards for me to dive that deep into it. I did complete the Holiday Collection from Alexandra Warren with the V-Day story being the last of the series.
I hadn't talk about this yet, since I didn't put out a general blog post since the new year. However, sometime last month, I took my own spin on the TBR (to-be-read) jar that I'd heard so many readers discuss on social media and made my own TBR basket. My TBR was too big to fit in any of the mason jars I own, so I used what I already had on hand, a la a basket. 4 of the books I read in February were based on me pulling from this basket: Danielle Allen's Business Casual, AshleyNicole's You Make Me Better (which was also for the podcast) and the Taylor Twins series by NTM author, Virgo Girl.
The memoir I read helped me collect 2 of the mystery challenge achievement for the New Year Kindle Challenge. Based on the latest mystery challege that was unveiled the other day, I don't know if I'll be completing this one, but we shall see if I do by the time I do my March WrapUp. In the meantime, let's get into this February WrapUp...
Alyx Monroe*
*New to Me Author
***All images have attached links if you desire to purchase the books for your own consumption.***