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I'm Every Woman

Updated: Apr 17, 2021

Yes! That's how we're gonna start this thing off. Did you know that this song, released in 1978, was Chaka Khan's debut single? She wanted to let it be known right out the gate who tf she was. And I applaud her for it.

In honor of it being Women's History Month... and International Women's day is March 8 (One of my best friends' birthday, who is another wonderful woman of God.), I am writing about all things WOMAN for this here post. So get ready for some real GIRL POWER!

Last month was Black History Month and with such powerfully important months back to back like this, many dynamic women come to mind for both. Women like Sojourner Truth, Harriett Tubman, Madam CJ Walker, Rosa Parks, Katherine Johnson and Mae C. Jemison. Those ladies made their names be known by their actions and still today, we celebrate them for their historic moments.

Woman of the Past

One woman that has be a force to be reckoned with for over 7 decades was Cicely Tyson. Ms. Tyson was born December 19, 1924 and became a powerhouse that all of us can love. Not only did her work as an actress and fashion model garner her the well-deserved accolades she's received for years. But she has also been honored for her support of civil rights as well.

With films such as Sounder, Fried Green Tomatoes (A personal favorite), Diary of a Mad Black Woman, and The Help as well as television roles on Guiding Light, The Autobiography of Jane Pittman, Roots, The Women of Brewster Place, and How to Get Away with Murder (Loved her as Ophelia) spanning decades, there's no doubt that Ms. Tyson left a mark on this place called earth.

Cicely Tyson carried several titles: daughter, wife, mother, actress, model, philanthropist, etc over the years. However, her last work of art, before her passing this past January, was adding the title author to the roster. As a writer and author myself, I remember smiling hard as hell when I saw her book on the shelf. Weirdly enough, I happened to see her book for the first time and felt urged to buy it on the day of her passing. I didn't buy it that day because I really don't have any space for any physical books right now... and I want the hardcover of that. So, it is definite on the TO-DO List of things to buy.

Rest Peacefully Ms. Tyson

Woman of the Future

To keep in theme with my shout outs to the movers and shakers we're celebrating this month, I also wanted to highlight some ladies I either know personally or have encountered that are making a name for themselves in their own right. I know so many woman that are hard working and deserve this recognition so I'm going to have to do this a few times before this month is out. lol So, look forward to receiving posts on varying women from past history along side ones that are making history now.

First, I want to recognize my good friend, Belle Smith. We met in high school when I joined the church I'm currently a member of and I knew back then she was going to be going places and doing things. But WOMAN! Her tenacity to be greater than average is very moving to say the least. Not only is she an awesome mother, wife, daughter, and friend. She's a therapist, author (The WonderFULL Trip, Destination: Full Effect), and business owner. She's the founder of a women empowerment movement called Wonderfull.Effect, in which I have been a proud member of since practically it's inception.

Check out this interview I did with her a couple years ago

More women in history coming throughout the month. Stay tuned...

*All links that go directly to Amazon are commissioned earned if purchased.

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